Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Web 2.0=Marketing 2.0

Marketing 2.0 is a play on words on which parallels Web 2.0. As you know Web 2.0 allows for an interactive experience on a web site (blog, social network, podcast, wiki, etc.)

In Marketing 1.0 we approach our prospective buyers through various advertisements, direct mail, email messages and cold calls.

In contrast, Marketing 2.0 shifts power to the buyer, where they have the ability to engage in conversations on the web with others who share common interests to learn, research and hear from others about products and services of interest. Before a buyer makes a purchase decision he/she has an unparalleled ability to hear from others who have made a similar purchase decision.

Finally, As marketers we have to be aware of this shift of power and engage our buyers in sincere and authentic conversations. A conversation is two way. We need to speak with, not talk (shout) at them.

In the old 1.0 world marketers blasted messages out. Marketing 2.0 is speaking with your buyer in conversations, getting engaged and listening to them.


--> Web 2.0 presents opportunities to use the internet in new and interactive ways to deliver an unprecedented amount of information and choice to unprecedented audience numbers.
--> Making Web-based marketing the norm, rather than the exception, will help optimise overall marketing spend.
--> Faster way to reach the audience
--> Positive impact of brand image of the company in the mind of customer for using new technology.
--> Faster and reliable feedback system
--> Audience participation leads to better understanding and hence fast response.

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