Monday, October 13, 2008

Push-Pull Marketing-1

Push-pull marketing strategies are two distinct methods of promoting products and services to a target market. There are specific advantages in using each of these two marketing strategies. Being able to know the difference as well as how to use both in conjunction with another is very valuable information to an entrepreneur.

Push/Pull is a newer model for e-business that relates to information delivery. Roughly put, a PUSH is information that is directly delivered to you. Direct Mail and E-Mail are good examples of PUSH information, delivered right to your mailbox. A Web Site is an example of PULL information, for anyone to view as they wish by browsing the address. The Viewer is in control of the PULL.

Combining these two forces is very effective in delivering your marketing message. "PULL" type marketing is LESS effective in originating new business, but is MORE effective in helping to "close" and also helping to "keep in touch."

You PUSH your Web Address to a prospect who goes home and PULLS up your home page on their computer.

Ways to "Push":

1. ALWAYS have your web address on your e-mail signature. Make it a "clickable" link - this is the strongest form of PUSH I know of...

2. Web address in all ads.

3. Get SIGN RIDERS with your URL so neighbors can go home an "PULL" you up!

4. List a web address in your BULK MAILINGS that past clients and/or sphere can go to that is different than your normal web page, just for them.

5. Put your web address on PROMOTIONAL ITEMS, such as pens or calendars, for a long-lasting reminder that may "PULL" visitors months later.

Ways to "PULL" using your web site:

1. Use a "guestbook" to collect e-mail addresses for your "PUSH" list.

2. Offer useful information about your "niche"

3. A special section for clients and past clients (password access)

4. Have Contests or drawings for small prizes that require prospects to visit your page regularly. This is also good for collecting e-mail addresses.

5. Make a "Christmas Card" or family web page for the holidays and then list it in your ads and correspondence. Place a link to your home page on the Christmas Card page.

6. Have a monthly recipe, story, newsletter, whatever, that you can promote for visitors to BOOKMARK your page and return on a regular basis.

The Electronic Newsletter

E-News can be the wave of marketing into the next century. It uses both "Push" and "Pull" to produce an effect more powerful than traditional newsletters, and at the same time, is much less expensive.

You first need your e-mailing list, literally worth more than it's weight in gold. Start TODAY to ask for and collect e-mail addresses from all your past clients, prospects, friends, relatives, old business contacts, local businesses, etc. etc. etc.

Make a newsletter setup for your website. Create a handful of "departments" such as "Monthly Market Report," "SOLDS," "Listing of the month," "Local spotlight," "Etc." After the newsletter is setup, you can change stories and pictures each month within the same format.

Each month, you create an e-mail that is sent out to your list. The e-mail is only a synopsis or promo for them to click and actually visit the page(s) - This is how the "Push/Pull" works. Besides the benefits of having your home page links in your e-mail going to them each month, you are "keeping your name in front of them" and "Pulling" them to your web site all at the same time. Combining your E-news with some of the contest/giveaway ideas makes a powerful combination!

The One Word Sales Pitch
When you have a web site on-line that shows your listings, personal brochure, and marketing presentation, you have the ability to make a One-Word Sales Pitch anywhere - it's your Web Address! Consider the billboard that just says WWW.YOU.COM in 10' letters. Put your "pitch" in EVERY classified. Why do you think you see so many web addresses at the bottom of TV ads.... IT WORKS!

Many Realtors spend $100's or $1000's on homes magazines, display ads, and shoppers. Now you can add your entire Internet Marketing Campaign for no extra cost just by listing your web and e-mail addresses in the same space! DO IT!

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