Monday, November 24, 2008

Smart marketing key in times of slowdown

“Spending on marketing is critical during a slowdown. In such times, companies should become smart marketers, focusing on brand building rather than boosting sales promotional activities. The brand building effort during slowdown pays off when the economy revives."

In my view company should not stop the marketing spend but spend it efficiently.
There is no doubt tha India is effected by the global recession or slow down but still have the capacy to grow at 7-8% GDP. Although we are seeing lowering of demand but not all section of sector is effected, for example luxury items like high end cars etc are growing at 50%.

India will be one of the fastest to recover after the recession is over. Customer like to be continuously reminded of offering even in recession. Hence instead of completly shutting the marketing campaign, an organisation should build their brand in this situation which will create a good image in customer mind and can be fruitful in future.

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